
Take the K-5 Dyslexia Questionnaire and Get the Guidance You Need

Not sure if your child has dyslexia? This simple yet effective questionnaire will help set you on the right track if your child is struggling and you feel it may be dyslexia.

Our experienced team of educators and dyslexia specialists will review your responses and reach out to you directly if they find your child may be at risk.

Dyslexia Questionnaire for Grades K-5

Facts About Dyslexia

Grow your business

Dyslexia affects 1 in 5 individuals in the United States.

Friendly support

Unidentified students who do not receive evidence-based instruction struggle in school and therefore are prone to suffer from low self-esteem.

Save time

Early diagnosis is important because, in general, reading interventions delayed beyond the first grade are less likely to yield significant improvement. 

Champions for Dyslexia Education

Our leadership team has extensive training in the field of dyslexia.

Louisiana Key Academy is an IMSLEC nationally accredited school.

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